Back with a No Smoking Sign
Sunday, July 8, 2007 3:19 PM
I can't image how long I haven't sat down to blog. Blogging had been a favourite past-time to me. But seriously these days, I don't have much things to blog about. I've been spending lots of time at home, other than work, chasing after series and series of Korean dramas.
Oh! I know what I can write about already. Smoking Bans. I've visited a regular pub down at Boat Quay last Wednesday (after having disappeared from the scene for several months) and no smoking signs were all around the place! Smoking corners and bins were set up outside the pub. Needless to say, the air circulating in the pub was freshly sprayed with air-fresheners.
But still I think ciggarettes complements alcohol, like cigars complements wine. How can smokers enjoy drinking without smoking? And it really makes it troublesome for us to stop and take a break from our chats, drinks or whatever we are doing just to walk to the outside to take a fag. It's already bad enough to find limited smoking seats at cafes or coffee shops.
Imagine if you are a smoker and partying at places like MOS, Dragonfly or Zouk. With the heavy human traffic, you may seriously even kill the thought of taking a fag when such thought kicks in. (I wonder if these places are still packed with people.) Lucky for those who are smoke-free, the air is so much fresher to breathe in.
Sooner or later, I believe, smoking will be banned anywhere (indoors and outdoors). And the one and only place to satisfy such pleasure will be at home.