Good Service! & Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:45 PM
I can't stand not being able to connect to the network! As most should know by now, most places (coffee joints, shopping mall, community centres, etc) are all hot-spot places with free access to the internet. Stupid! Other than the poor connectivity, the signing in is already a huge problem!
Now, on a lighter note.
I am having a cuppa ice blended pure chocolate at the Coffee Beans at this very moment. Even the queue for the making order took ages! There's not a single soul behind the counter! Being the impatient me, I would usually walk off to another cafe or something. But! after a while, I realised there's only one staff at work - the outlet manager. What makes me have the urge to post about this is the good service the manager rendered. He's still as patient and polite even though the stream of crowd came pouring in after me. A loud shoutout of commendation to Danny Seah of Coffee Beans @ SunPlaza! He's still serving this customers with smiles despite his sweating forehead! *Keep Up the Good Work* Tell me how can I just walk off like that? Guess the others feel the same way I do. =) No one has complained about the delay of making orders and getting their orders!
Mother's Day is good. My mummy's happy cos she received a pretty bouquet of flowers from me! =) And so does his mummy. Both mummies modestly exchanged their greetings too. *grinz*
Happy Mothers' Day to ALL Mums out there! I love you, mum! (only to my mum! *Muakz*)